28, 1972 issue of Life magazine features Wayne in costume for "The Cowboys" wearing the holster rig with the SAA on the cover and a copy of a still from "Rooster Cogburn" also shows Wayne wearing the rig and SAA. Copies of a 1976 appraisal of Wayne's gun collection lists this SAA by serial number. Copies of two notarized statements by witnesses confirm that Wayne gave Hess the revolver and rig. An included copy of a notarized statement from former owner Gary Hess, an employee/engineer for Wayne's firm DECO, states that John Wayne gave him this revolver and rig in 1978. 45-70 Springfield trapdoor cartridge which was said to be carried by Wayne in tribute to the American soldiers of the Indian Wars. Purportedly the revolver and including unmarked holster rig were owned by John Wayne and used by him in the films "The Cowboys," "True Grit" and "Rooster Cogburn" as well as others. 44 WCF, replacement grip straps and oversized trigger guard. Subsequently altered with a 4 3/4" Bisley barrel and cylinder in. Dougty (unknown address) on Aug(incorrectly listed as a Bisley). 45 caliber, blue finish and type of stocks not listed. Factory letter lists revolver with 5 1/2" barrel in.